Life in the Uninformed Lane
I live out by the left elbow of a leftist county, located in an equally leftist state. (Okay, to be fair, it’s not true that the entire state is leftist. Just the two most populous counties, which unfortunately leaves the other 22 in the lurch.)
The husband hasn’t quite acclimated himself to the everyday nonsense that passes for liberal ideology around here. I grew up here (not in the elbow – I was much closer to the armpit) so I’ve developed something of an immunity (mostly in the form of ignoring that which you cannot change, namely the attitudes of one’s friends and neighbors. And family.) On the other hand, there are days when even my well-callused brain cannot ignore the rank idiocy that passes through my sphere:
So, Pookus brings home a class newsletter this week announcing the upcoming activities to celebrate “Peace Week”. This is the time of year where the entire school has to give up instructional time to “celebrate peace”. Now, I don’t mind celebrating peace. I think peace is a great thing. But observe:
…as part of our Peace Week activities, we will be viewing An Inconvenient Truth…
Ummm… WTF? They’re also viewing a movie about a Mexican boy who illegally enters the US to reunite with his mother… who is already here illegally. Husband says not to fly off the handle, a movie about illegal immigrants may be a good story anyway – but I’m inclined toward the They’re Indoctrinating The Kids Again Damnit argument. It’s not like there isn’t already a demonstrated history of it.
First, on the subject of Peace Week (which is scheduled specifically to coincide with MLK’s birthday): Hey! People! Mr. King was about civil rights, not peace. Yes, he achieved his goal using non-violent methods, and he did it peacefully… but by canning it as peace, y’all are really missing the point of his struggle.
I can only guess that the logic process (if you can call it logic) went like this:
Mr. Gore : awarded the Nobel Peace Prize :: Gore : represents peace
It’s a stretch, but so much fascist ideology is. I wonder if any of them know that the Peace Prize is the only one that the Swedes don’t award? (The Norwegians do.) And by the way, they gave that same prize to YASSER ARAFAT. Boy, there’s someone who represents peaceful measures.
If you’re going to make the kids sit through two days of movies to honor MLK’s struggle, hmm, let’s see, what’s a movie about another civil rights leader who achieved his goals using peaceful means, and has a worldwide reputation… GHANDI, maybe?
I could go on for pages about idiots, idiots who don’t bother to read history, idiots who don’t bother to read current events, idiots who don’t connect the dots between current events, history, and common sense – but I’ll just leave it as URRRRRGGGGGHH. Thank you for listening.