Chocolate (avocado) mousse?

I turned two avocados into chocolate mousse today. Astonishingly, this is seemingly remarkable achievement actually pales alongside the subsequent event: namely, sneaking a spoonful of it into my fruit-averse oldest child. She didn’t complain until she learned she had been tricked into eating avocado.

I don’t normally engage in this sort of culinary subterfuge so I decided it was karmic-ally within bounds.

Look at that: glossy surface, rich chocolate color – it’s a looker.

Which just goes to show, the ugly duckling is still turns out to be pretty tasty. Wait, was that supposed to be the fable’s ending? Never mind.

RECIPE: Chocolate (Avocado) Mousse

– 2 ripe avocados (squeeze to check softness – too hard and the texture suffers)
– 1/4 cup cocoa powder
– 1/4 tsp salt
– sweetener

A note about sweetener: I tried to get away with 2 Tbs of agave, but no luck. I eventually ended up with an additional 4 single-serve packets of Splenda following complaints that the lack of sweetener insufficiently masked an avocado aftertaste. Other recipes suggest honey or just sugar (I’m on a low carb run so it’s Splenda for me.) Adjust to taste.

Place all ingredients in a food processor and set to “emasculate”. You can stop when the contents reach the sexily smooth consistency common to all properly decadent desserts.

I liked it right off, but am chilling it overnight to see both how the consistency changes, and if a cooler temp will further improve the mouth feel. Future tweaks include the addition of some vanilla and probably the addition of fresh whipped cream before serving.

head cephalopod

Just sorting out the flotsam of the universe.

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